Consultation | 100 |
FACE | |
Extended Deep Plane Facelift | 8.000 - 10.000 |
Facelift – local anesthesia | 5.000 – 6.000 |
Extended Deep Plane Face and Neck lift | 10.000 - 12.000 |
Neck Lift | 5.500 - 6.000 |
Buccal fat reduction | 3.000 - 3.500 |
Fractional CO2 laser - sedation | 2.000 |
Fractional CO2 laser - local anesthesia | 500 - 1.500 |
Facelift with PDO treads | 600 - 1.200 |
Upper blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) – local anesthesia | 1.700 |
Lower blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) – sedation or general anesthesia | 3.000 – 4.000 |
Four lid blepharoplasty – sedation or general anesthesia | 4.000 - 5.000 |
Correction of hollow eyes with fat transfer | 1.700 - 2.000 |
Correction of hollow eyes with hyaluronic acid | 400 |
Brow lift (incision above the eyebrows) | 2.000 |
Brow lift (incison behind the hairline) – local anesthesia | 2.500 - 3.000 |
Brow lift (incison behind the hairline) – sedation or general anesthesia | 3.500 - 4.000 |
Brow and forehead lift – sedation or general anesthesia | 4.000 - 5.000 |
Rhinoplasty(nose reshaping) – general anesthesia | 5.000 – 6.000 |
Ablation of rhinophyma | 2.000 - 2.500 |
Nasal reshaping with hyaluronic acid | 500 |
Mentoplasty (reduction or enlargment) | 3.000 - 4.000 |
Liposuction of the neck (double chin) | 2.500 - 3.000 |
Correction of the jawline or chin with hyaluronic acid filler | 400 - 650 |
Otoplasty (correction of prominent ears) – local anesthesia | 2.500 - 3.000 |
Otoplasty (correction of prominent ears) – sedation or general anesthesia | 3.000 - 3.500 |
Earlobe surgery (unilateral) | 400 - 600 |
Earlobe surgery (bilateral) | 600 - 800 |
Lip augmentation with fat transfer | 1.200 - 1.400 |
Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid | 400 - 650 |
V-Y lip advancement- local anesthesia | 2.500 |
Lip lift – local anesthesia | 2.500 |
Surgical removal of parmanent filler | 1.500 - 2.000 |
Cheek augmentation with fat transfer | 1.200 - 1.500 |
Cheek augmentation with hyaluronic acid | 400 - 650 |
Correction of nasolabial folds with hyaluronic acid | 400 - 650 |
Skin rejuvenation with skinbooster - Profhilo 2 ml | 400 |
Injection of botulinum toxin – 1 region | 250 |
Injection of botulinum toxin – 2 regions | 300 |
Injection of botulinum toxin –upper face | 350 |
Injection of botulinum toxin - masseter | 300 |
PRP treatment | 350 - 550 |
Chemical peeling – medium depth 1 region | 450 |
Chemical peeling – medium depth entire face | 600 |
Ablation of pigmented lesions | 300 - 500 |
Augmentation mammaplasty (breast enlargement) with round Mentor® implants | 4.800 |
Augmentation mammaplasty (breast enlargement) with round Mentor® Xtra implants | 5.000 |
Augmentation mammaplasty (breast enlargement) with teardrop Mentor® implants | 5.200 |
Reduction mammaplasty (breast reduction) | 5.000 – 6.500 |
Mastopeksy (breast lift) | 5.000 – 6.000 |
Augmentation mastopexy (breast enlargement and lift) with round Mentor® implants | 5.700 - 6.700 |
Augmentation mastopexy (breast enlargement and lift) with teardrop Mentor® implants | 6.700 - 7.200 |
Breast lipofilling (augmentation with fat transfer) | 5.500 - 6.500 |
Removal of breast implants | 3.500 - 4.500 |
Removal od breast implants and breast lift | 5.500 - 6.500 |
Breast implant replacement | 5.700 - 6.700 |
Correction of inverted nipples – unilateral | 700 |
Correction of inverted nipples – bilateral | 1.200 |
Reduction of areolas – local anesthesia | 2.500 - 3.000 |
Correction of gynecomasty – sedation or general anesthesia | 4.000 - 5.000 |
BODY | |
Abderoplasty (tummy tuck) | 5.000 - 6.000 |
Abderoplasty with liposuction | 5.500 - 6.500 |
Abderoplasty with lipouction and muscle plication | 6.500 - 7.500 |
Liposuction of a small body part area – local anesthesia | 2.00 - 2.500 |
Liposuction of the abdomen and flanks | 3.500 - 4.000 |
Liposuction of the hips, thighs and knees | 3.500 - 4.000 |
Liposuction of the calves | 3.000 - 3.500 |
Liposuction of the back | 3.500 - 4.000 |
Liposuction of the upper arms | 3.000 - 3.500 |
Butt lift and augmentation with fat transfer | 6.000 - 7.000 |
Butt lift and augmentation with implant | 5.500 - 6.500 |
Thigh lift | 5.000 - 6.000 |
Brahioplasty (correction of the upper arm) | 4.000 - 5.000 |
Axiloplasty (skin removal in the armpit region) | 2.500 - 3.000 |
Labioplasty- correction of labia minora - both sides – local anesthesia | 1.500 |
Labioplasty- correction of labia minora - both sides – sedation or general anestesia | 2.000 |
SKIN | |
Removal of (cutaneous) skin lesion (brithmark) | 300 |
Removal of (cutaneous) skin lesion – one more | 50 |
Removal of (subcutaneous) skin lesion (atheroma, lipoma) | 300 - 400 |
Removal of (subcutaneous) skin lesion (atheroma, lipoma) - one more | 70 |
Scar revision– local anesthesia | 500 - 1.500 |
Correction of the scar with injection of corticosteroids | 200 |
Consultation with beauty therapist | 30 |
Hydrating peeling | 80 |
Brightening peeling | 100 |
Stimulative peeling | 70 |
Deepe chemical peeling | 200 |
face | 150 |
Face and neck | 180 |
Face, neck and décolletage | 200 |
Scar treatment with non-surgical procedures | 100 - 400 |
Periorbital region and forehead | 200 |
Cheeks and jawline | 400 |
Neck | 200 |
Chest (décolletage) | 200 |
Whole face (and neck) | 450 |
Face and neck | 400 |
One region | 150 |
Two regions | 250 |
Three regions | 400 |
Four regions | 500 |
Vse cene so v EUR. Cene v ceniku predstavljajo okvirno oceno stroškov posameznega posega in vključujejo s tem povezane materialne stroške. Pacient bo pred posegom seznanjen z natančno ceno predvidenih stroškov, pri čemer v posameznih primerih cene storitev lahko odstopajo od veljavnega cenika glede na individualno zahtevnost oz. trajanje posega. O cenah posegov, ki zaradi svoje narave niso vključeni v cenik, se pacienti seznanijo po posvetu z zdravnikom glede na zahtevnost in trajanje predvidenega posega. Različne storitve se lahko združijo v kombiniran poseg, o ceni katerega je pacient seznanjen pred samim posegom. Zdravstvene storitve in oskrba so po 2. točki 1. odstavka 42. člena Zakona o DDV oproščene plačila DDV, zato DDV ni bil obračunan. Ljubljana, 02.09.2024 PLASTIČNA KIRURGIJA ZORMAN, zdravstvene storitve, d.o.o. |